Monday, July 5, 2010

June that was...

Time for a bit of catch-up.... June (like March) was a mad month. I haven't blogged as much as I normally would. There are number of reasons for that. Some I won't go into (not everything is blog material), but others include the usual busy-ness, and an increasingly time-consuming addiction to "Bejewelled Blitz" on facebook. Damn my brother and Jane for mentioning this game to me! Now I click away at those sparkly gems and saying, "just one more game...and then I'll be done". But of course it's never "just one more" is it? I think I will have to drop the app from my facebook.
So June was busy. In amongst trips and school-end-of-year stuff, Bronwyn turn six! Our little girl is growing up so fast. Her birthday was just after we got back from England. I made her a cake. Yes, that fabulous coagulation of cupcakes was put together by me (but don't be too impressed, it was a cake-mix).

The following weekend we were in Birkenhead. Bronwyn had requested a camping trip for her birthday, and we were all for it. The weekend after that we attended the wedding of our friends, Kyle and Michelle. They had a beautiful wedding in White Rock and, thank goodness, the weather was fabulous. We wish them a life-time of happiness. Also they announced that they'll soon be joined by another little person. I can't wait to have a baby around. Not that it's all about me...even though I think it is.

On the Sunday we had a birthday party for Bronwyn. Just 6 friends. Unfortunately, it rained on the day of the party so my brilliant plan to have it at the playground (and thereby keeping it all away from the house) was thwarted and we had to have it at home. How long do you think it takes 6 children to demolish your house? Any guesses? Answer: about 10 minutes. It was fun, but next year it will be dinner at a pizza place and off to see a movie!

So all in all I have had one busy weekend after another. This weekend I took Bronwyn to a birthday party. It was a swimming party at a big house in UBC. It was okay, but it meant I had to stay and watch over her because she can't swim. She thinks she can swim but, to borrow a Toy Story phrase, she is actually "drowning with style". Then we had a delicious barbecue at Trini and Lorne's. I am experiencing some PMS so my mood has been a bit low. I'm not sure what is going on, but I seem to have reverted back to a teenager when it comes to PMS; bad temper, depression, bloated, cramping and generally being EVIL. But they barbecued some delicious salmon and rock cod. That, along with wine and good company, improved my mood. I didn't get any pictures...sorry. Too busy feeding.

And it was the end of kindergarten for Bronwyn. Another milestone reached. Next September she will begin full days in grade 1. I felt quite sad about it somehow. She will be starting at a new school September; one that is within easy walking distance. Her best friend Nicky is staying at the same school. They played together for a couple of hours nearly every day after school and it seems sad that they won't have that anymore - even though we will probably stay in touch. I also enjoyed that time for a chance to have some adult conversation. But I am glad that there is a lull in the ferrying about that I seem to spend my days doing. There are days since school finished when I haven't even used the car! Anyway, the good weather has arrived and we are intent on enjoying ourselves. We will have to see what summer adventures we will have.

And by the by, I actually managed to get to the end of Anna Karenina. I really enjoyed it. Took me a while to keep track of characters' names...but it was a fantastic read.


Anonymous said...

Well at least we can kick our feet up around the campfire and relax for a week!

Wendy Flawn said...

Fab creation. Although I had you down as the domestic godess, what is this about cake mixes! I am sure it was you who taught me lots of recipies at college. Do you remember the custard in the sink episode!!!?


Anonymous said...

No, I don't remember the custard down the sink...I am a domestic goddess...but only now and then :)

Wendy Flawn said...

I had a domestic godess moment and made custard from scratch and left it in a bowl in the sink to cool and you came in saying that you had tipped some dirty water away from a bowl in the sink. It had taken me ages to make! It was at Union Street, I think I resorted to Ambrosia!

Victoria said...

Ha! I think I remember that now!