Wednesday, July 28, 2010

In the summertime...

I haven't had much time to update my blog. We are having too much fun at the beach, playing in the sun and splashing in the water. The past two days River spent the entire time at the water splashing and wading in...even though he knew where the water fountains were. Amazing. I think our trip to Saltery Bay helped. He got used to the water and began to enjoy splashing about - even though he doesn't usually fair to well in wide-open spaces. Big progress as far as I am concerned.
River exploring his love for water fountains...perhaps a thing of the past (it's Bronwyn's hat..)?
Yesterday we were at the beach for 4 hours and I only had to chase him once or twice. I think I should put a life-jacket on him though. He wades into the water now without stopping!
Bronwyn has had a blast. Her and her friends have been non-stop playing, like only little kids can. Digging for clams, finding minnows, splashing and swimming. She has actually learned to swim. It's a kind of strange inefficient doggy paddle...but she stays afloat and moves around. It led me to think, "That's not swimming, it's drowning with style!" But she is so proud. She tried to think of everyone she ever met in order to compile a list of who she needed to tell that she has learned to swim. Oh, and her friend Sapphire taught her apparently...nothing to do with Mark and I taking her swimming. Or me taking her nearly every day to the beach!
There is a beach nearby, close to the Vancouver Yacht Club marina. We were going there because it was a breakwater and very calm. It helped Bronwyn to build her confidence. I worried a bit about pollution from the boats. But in reality I don't think the boats ever leave the marina. I've been there a lot and I have hardly ever seen anyone around the boats, nor have I seen any boats coming and going. Oh the life of the rich!
The inflatable shark is "Sharky". We bike down to the beach and he goes in the child looks quite funny! That's our green boat in the background...ha ha...NOT!
The tide has been quite far out during the weekday afternoons. It's great to walk out along the sand flats. The temperature has been amazing...just perfect for swimming. I wish I could get more pictures near the water...but I don't want to take the camera and end up getting it wet. Perhaps I can do that next week when the tide will be higher during the afternoons. I already fried my cell-phone. But it was a vintage one anyway...all it could do was be a phone! I angled for an iphone...but "luckily" Mark had an old cell-phone that he generously gave to me...just slight less vintage than the one that got wrecked. Oh time. Anyway, it's lovely to have time to play and swim at the beach. We are so lucky to live so close to such a fabulous park.

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