Saturday, April 10, 2010

One week to go...

Four days to be exact. Then I will be finished with my radiation therapy. I am feeling quite tired. However, I don't know how much tiredness is because of radiation and how much is due to the juggling of daily life with daily trips to BC Cancer Agency. Perhaps I'll never know.

The weather is gorgeous and it promises to be a lovely weekend. I took River to his music therapy group this morning. He loves music and is just beginning music therapy with a group of other young children with autism. He seemed to enjoy it, although it was just the first session. He sat with me the whole time and participated in some of the songs. At least, within this group he doesn't seem "odd", like he does when he's with a group of typical children. The music therapist was very gentle with the kids and passed around some simple instruments for them to play along with; a shaker and a drum. River liked the drum quite a bit. It will be interesting to see how he gets on...he's already got rock star hair!

We plan to do some gardening this weekend. We have a big rooftop deck that we need to get ready for summer. Scrub the floor, plant loads of different flowers, and even a few veggies. Add some decorative touches. And it's beautiful outside, like I said. The problem is that I just want to curl up in bed, or sit on the couch and knit. Speaking of knitting, I think this blog needs more knitting. I intend to put up some projects that I am working may even encourage me to actually finish something! Of course, everything is in slow-motion right now. I wish I had more energy, it's very frustrating.


Wendy Flawn said...

Hi, Have friend who had 6wks of radiation treatment. Really took it out of her, but it cleared within a month for her and she was then on a steep return to energy and a new found gratefulness that she was not having to endure it any longer, she has a huge amount of vigour now, year and a half on.

You are a busy bunny (or it seems so from your blog), good for the spirits but down side of being a bit tiring.

I hope you see a speedy return to energy and zest for everything. You are entitled to feel a bit pooped, it is crap treatment, but you are so nearly there.

Take care

Love to you all

W xxx

Victoria said...

Thanks so much for all your encouraging words. It's good to hear stories of other people who are on the other side and full of vigour and zest. I am looking forward to feeling that way again. I wish I wasn't so busy...but unfortunately, there isn't any choice about that :) xxxxx Love to you all!!!