Wednesday, March 24, 2010

We do like to be beside the sea...

Aside from all this breast-cancer and radiation therapy business, we have been enjoying some time at the beach. Even on a cloudy, cold day it is a wonderful place to go. There have been some really low tides over the past few days. We enjoy walking out over the wet sand and looking for unusual shells. Last Sunday while we were out, we caught sight of an eagle flying overhead with a fish in its talons. I think there are some eagles nesting nearby. Most people don't venture out to the beach when the weather is colder...we feel like we have the place to ourselves. Here's a few pics. River and his rock-star hair!
He is beginning to look more and more like a little boy and less like a toddler...every boy must carry a stick.
When the tide is out it is wonderful to walk along the flats. Bronwyn's favourite time to go to the beach is at low tide. That's when we find the best shells. Mind you, it has to be said that we don't get too much variety in shells here.
Off for our walk...
We count the ships that are anchored off-shore, watch the sea-planes float through the air, over the mountains and into downtown. We breath in the fresh sea air. River, however, likes to throw sticks and stones about...that is,of course, because he is BOY!
My little man looking out to sea..(nice hat?)

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