Friday, February 19, 2010

What a night!

And there is Evan Lysacek realising his Olympic dream (a press photo...not mine). He won a well-deserved (and stunningly designed) gold medal.

Last night I took my seat in Vancouver's Pacific Coliseum to watch the finals of the men's figure-skating. It was an amazing experience from start to finish. The ticket was a gift from friends (a million thank-you's!!!) and I went along with 3 other friends. I have never been to an Olympic event and this was also my first time seeing a major figure-skating competition live. Pacific Coliseum seemed almost entirely wrapped in Olympic colours. Flags from every country waving in the breeze and Mounties standing at the entrance. As we walked up to the coliseum, we really got the a feeling that an Olympic event is unlike any other sporting event; it is purely about sport. Volunteers, in their bright blue jackets were everywhere, smiling and helpful. Some local high school kids performed songs and dance routines as people walked by, some stopping to listen for a while. People who had travelled from far and wide to be at the event mingled and chatted with one another. I repeatedly heard the question, "Where are you from?" There were plenty of children enjoying the atmosphere, some excited and mesmerized, while others, over-tired and exhausted, were carried in baby-carriers, on shoulders, or in arms. It was wonderful to be part of the spirit of this international event.

Then there was the skating itself. We had good seats, over the "kiss and cry" and looking down the ice. Just behind a Japanese family and in front of a couple up from the States and another Russian couple. It was fantastic to see these skaters live. Their athletic and artistic ability is simply stunning. I got an absolute sense of their speed, agility, artistry and technical ability...up close. And it was interesting to see the whole competition from start to finish (no commentating or instant replays). They warm up, they skate their hearts out, and they go and wait for the results. The final 6 were spectacular. After the short program I was rooting for Evan Lysacek and he did not disappoint. His skate was beautiful, flawless and technically impressive. I know there are some nay-sayers going on about how he should have done the quad...but I am not one of them. If it was all about the quad (which most can't land), then you'd only need a 15 minute program and there could be a new sport called, "figure-jumping" where you go out and do as many jumps as you can and not bother with anything else. I enjoyed the figure-skating the way it was and, in my opinion, the best man won gold. Having said that, no matter who won gold, it was a fantastic experience!


Anonymous said...

Gosh, how I envied you watching the figure skating, and I was transported and caught up in you lovely descriptive comments.What a wonderful experience just to have the Olympics on your door step,what a wonderful and exciting time, your writing and sharing the moments capture the spirit and enthusiasm, thankyou so much for sharing a beautiful moment in time.

Victoria said...

Thanks mum! I thought you'd be watching too! xxx