Saturday, February 13, 2010

Catching the spirit...

A torch runner...just up the street from where we live.
Passing on the flame...

We went out to watch the torch relay. The buzz in the air here is palpable and quite exciting. Bronwyn sat on Mark's shoulders and gave her usual non-stop commentary. The most remarkable thing to her was that someone stood on the roof of their camper van, "That man is stood on the roof of his van!", she yelled. "That's dangerous!" River enjoyed the police motorcycles.

Well...the olympics are GO! We watched the beginning of the opening ceremonies with some friends down at the Jericho Youth Hostel cafe. The rest we watched at home. Not too shabby. I think the whole ceremony was actually enhanced by being held indoors. As one producer mentioned, it gave them more scope for artistic creativity. And I think it showed. It was all very beautiful without being at all "showy". A couple of gliches, but all in all, a fine job. I think I've caught a little of the olympic spirit, now that it is here.

A friend has given me a ticket to see the final of the men's figure-skating, taking place on Thursday and I am so excited! I have always loved skating. I even spent quite a long period of my youth training to be a figure-skater. That was before my self-conscious, shy, insecure, anxiety-ridden, 17-year old self forced me to believe I was overweight and rubbish and hang up my skates for good. And if you don't believe's proof. Me in my skating outfit at about 15 years old (my mum made it!)

But I am really looking forward to this event. It's going to be a fantastic, once-in-a-lifetime type of thing. I read some blurb about the American skater, Johnny Weir, being in fear of animal rights activists for adding white fox fur to his costume. Don't wear fox fur...problem solved. The wearing of real fur in this day and age is repugnant in the extreme and a shocking display of pure superficial vanity (okay...perhaps not if you are Inuit). Do we need an industry built on the exploitation and abuse of animals? Can we not move on? Actually, I thought we had moved on...but apparently not. Think of the fringe benefits...we wouldn't have to suffer any more terrible PETA anti-fur ads! Let's hope he loses the fox fur.

Anyway, tomorrow we are heading downtown to see the sights and check out some of the free stuff. Should be fun, although Bronwyn told me she'd rather go swimming. No sense of occasion, that girl!


Anonymous said...

What lovely memories it brought back seeing the photo of you in your ice skating dress. How exciting for you all to have the Olympics on your dooe step so to speak. It would be hard not to get caught up in the excitement. How lucky to have a ticket to the iceskating finals too, I hope that you enjoy every single minute, I will be watching it on TV here in the Uk.and will be thinking of you watching it in real time. I loved the beautiful, gentle poem too.

Anonymous said...

I love that picture of you skating! Fitting time to put it up, right in time for the Olympics. Your Mum did a good job on the outfit.

Watching the torch come by with the kids was fun. I had some unexpected emotions watching it. Only wish the kids would remember it but they will probably be too young, good thing we have some pics and this blog for them to remember.

Victoria said...

Thanks! I think Bronwyn may remember. Who knows? But I'm sure she'll remember the guy standing on his van :)

Michelle said...

What a great photo--shame on you for not sharing your figure skating past when we were talking about your lucky ticket score last night!

Your mum has a future as a skating costume designer. I hear they charge big bucks, and that one's nicer than anything else I've seen on the ice (see Exhibit A below).

Victoria said...

Wow...not that's some skating outfit! I can't believe they actually wore it in contest!

p.s. I'll tell my mum what you said. It will make her day!