Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Off they go...

It's a curious thing once kids start school. You ask them what they did that day and they will usually reply, "Nothing". You may say, "Well, you must have done something". But again the reply will be "Nothing". They are entering the secret world of the school-yard and they don't really want to share it with you. Bronwyn has only attended school since September and yet I can feel the change in her. A subtle moving away. Of course it is as it should be. She is on her way to independence. I did not give my parents much thought once I was firmly established in school. Just the other day I mentioned to Bronwyn that "Spongebob Squarepants" was on TV. (Her only interest in this show is to keep up with her peers). Anyway, she gave me a withering look and said, "You don't need to say Squarepants, you just need to say Spongebob". And then repeated it to make sure I got it. Oops...embarrassing already. Whether this is true or not, who knows? But she thinks it is. It made me realise how quickly I have fallen from the godlike status of just a year or so before...basking in being the authority in just about everything. The fountain of all knowledge. Not any more. In just a few short months, so it seems, I have gone from being a chocolate ice-cream Sundae with extra sprinkles and a side of cake, to a piece of spinach caught between the teeth. I guess it's the way of things...

Beautiful day here today. Time for a walk to the endowment lands. A different path from our last poo-laden walk. Lots of people walk their dogs in the the park. Dogs had done their business and, on the particular path we took the other day, no-one had bothered to clean it up. We all stood in it at various times...and then Bronwyn went one better and managed to get it all over her coat and hands. Lovely.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yup peer pressure is everything I'm afraid. Glad you found a poo-free can be a challenge :-)