Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Sacroiliac joint rotation...

That is what I have and it hurts like hell. I don't know where it came from (well, I have a general idea). I went to the gym on Sunday and did some exercises on my hip. Anyway, it may or may not have been that...but when I woke up yesterday I couldn't move my right leg without shooting pain. I could hardly walk or move my hips. I ended up going to the physiotherapist who explained I had rotation of the sacroiliac joint - or something - and that it caused inflammation and was, he unnecessarily added, very painful. So it's day 2 and I still cannot get about except by a very painful shuffle. Looking, as Bronwyn described, like an old lady. The physio gave me a few exercises and told me I need to rest for a couple of days. Also to avoid stairs etc. He said it should heal relatively quickly and I can be back at the gym/running in about 2 weeks. Mark took this week off and we were intending to have a "stay-cation" and do lots of stuff in and around Vancouver with the kids. Talk about bad timing. I hope we get to do something! So that's that. Bronwyn is being my helper - although she can be a bit Nurse Ratchet if you ask me. I suppose it's good that Mark has the week off too!

So we keep hearing about new "Britain's Got Talent" phenomenons. Now it's Hollie Steele, the 10 year old ballet dancer-singer. I think there's obviously some staging going on. (NO? Staging...reality TV...NEVER!) I mean, don't these people audition? How come the judges and everyone act so eyebrows raised, jaw dropped surprised? And they always set it up in a way that seems surprising (Hollie's, little ballet routine). I think I was "hoodwinked" by the Susan Boyle thing...but no more!. Added to that, I am as sick of hearing about Britain's Got Talent as I am about Bo, the Obama's new dog.

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