Monday, March 23, 2009

Trying to catch up...

I am getting behind here. We had a really good visit with Diane. Unfortunately, Bronwyn was quite ill on the Saturday and just wanted to lay on the couch all day and not talk much. A sure sign that Bronwyn is unwell is that she doesn't talk much. Poor Diane didn't get much response from Bronwyn that day! On Saturday night Mark mustered up some sushi and teryaki chicken (Mark's current favourite meal to make), it was delicious. Mark was sick the next day, but Diane was able to visit with Mark's brother and his kids. She came back on Sunday evening and bought us delicious Indian Takeout. The kids enjoyed her being here and so did we! Thanks Diane.

The week of Spring Break flew by and we didn't get to do all of the things we planned. Partly this was because Bronwyn continued with her cold and then River got sick...and I wasn't feeling that good either. Added to that the amount of emails, phone-calls and meetings we had to do regarding River and his behavioural intervention, the days flew by. Have I reached my moaning quota yet? Probably not. But I'll save some up for later.

We are making progress with River. We have had the help of an Infant Development Consultant who has been amazing. We have hired a Behavioural Consultant who will help us write up a "Behavioural Plan of Intervention" for River. This is basically a plan that will map out the intervention he will need along with targets that we will focus on (I don't really understand it either...we are getting there). We will meet monthly and review the plan based on his progress. The tricky part is that we now have to hire "Behavioural Interventionists". These are the people who will work one-on-one with River for about 2 hours a day. We have posters up around UBC, but so far no response.

I found I didn't get accepted into the M.ed program at UBC and I am very disappointed. I am trying to be philosophical about it and say it wasn't meant to be and that perhaps I wouldn't have had the time to devote to it anyway, with River's needs etc. At the same time I am extremely disappointed and find myself wondering, "What now?" I'll just take some time to wallow in self-pity and then I'll be fine.

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