Monday, March 9, 2009

Hit the road, snow...

Today, we woke up to find a couple of inches of snow had fallen overnight (it had melted quite a bit when I took the photo)! This is just not on. It is March. The clocks went forward. We've had a bit of warmer weather. All the shops are stocked with their quota of Easter bunnies, Easter chicks and chocolate eggs. I have seen snowdrops and the beginnings of daffodils and tulips. In my books it IS Spring and the white stuff can go now. It's hanging around like those Christmas lights that are still up on some houses, sad and out of place and an immutable reminder of happier times. But get over it, move on and don't come back until next Christmas (and take the slush with you).

We had a good weekend and are currently doing a very good impression of people who have a life outside of children and the home. In fact, we are almost starting to believe it ourselves. We actually went to a party on Saturday. It was a friend's 40th birthday party. We haven't been out as a couple with this particular group of friends in years and they were starting to get suspicious and asking Mark questions about me. Questions like, "What have you done with Victoria?". "Are you even married?" The weekend before I was in Victoria with one of my good friends. And we are looking forward to next weekend when Mark's step-mom, Diane, is coming to visit us. Just who do we think we are?

So while I was in Victoria last weekend, Mark took the kids to the Bird Sanctuary in Ladner. It is one of our favourite places to visit - although we are further away since we moved back to Vancouver. We will visit there when the weather gets better and I will write more about it. For now here are a couple of pics. There are a lot of ducks there. A lot of ducks.

And they follow you...

And there is a look out tower, that makes me nervous because I get vertigo. Bronwyn told me not to worry and that when I go with them she will look after me. Awwww....cute.

The rest of the time we have been calling people about River, meeting with people about River, arranging more meetings to have about River...and brushing up on our acronyms. It's a slow process, but I think we are getting somewhere. At least with the acronyms.

Right now I am going to indulge in one of these...
To the untrained eye, this is a of the most sinful pastries you can eat. Lots of pastry, butter, sugar and honey and approx 10,000 calories. But it has it's healthy, right?

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