Friday, January 9, 2009

Liz Stringer - Pendulum

I just bought Pendulum by Liz Stringer. It is my new favourite album. (My last favourites being "Takk" by Sigur Ros and "Ys" by Joanna Newsom). Liz Stringer is based in Melbourne and sings/plays a kind of folk/blues/country mix. Her voice is beautiful and rich and her songwriting is raw and full of emotion. She is also a good story teller. Most of the songs send chills down my spine. She reminds me a little of Joan Armatrading. I just love when I discover an album like that. Of course I will now listen to it over and over again. And then eventually I'll have to stop myself before I "over-listen". But right now it's new and fresh and wonderful. I wonder if she'll tour Canada - I even wrote and asked.

In other news Mark and I lined up our friend John to babysit and we are going to the Canucks vs St. Louis game tonight. It's Mats Sundin's (long-time captain of the Leafs) first home game since he joined the Canucks. Now, I'm not much of a hockey fan, it has to be said. But going to a game is fun - especially when you are given the $150 tickets by your boss and they are in the club seats. And I do like the big sporting event atmosphere, it pulls me in. And usually there's a big brawl, this is hockey after all. Mind you, I have yet to be at a game where the Canucks win. Maybe this will be a first. If not I will just have to drink beer and enjoy the company and the atmosphere. And a rare night out.


Sarah said...

Hey I love Joanna Newsom and her quirky voice.. Im going to check out Liz Stringer and in fact going to order it from Amazon right now when I should be working...but music is far more interesting..

Victoria said...

Hey Sarah,

Thanks! I think you're the only other person I met who "gets" Joanna Newsome. I keep waiting for a new album...or a concert date!