Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year

Happy New Year. A little belated, but not much. So one of my new year's resolutions is to start and maintain a blog. This is partly journal and partly a way to keep friends and relatives (most of whom live away) abreast of what we are up to as a family. It is also a place for me to write about my ongoing projects and other things as they come to mind.

A brief explanation of "Daffodils and Meadows"'s something my mum used to say when we were very little and awoke from a bad dream. She'd say something like, "try to think of nice things, like daffodils and meadows". My sister and I have always fondly said "daffodils and meadows" as a way to rid ourselves of bad thoughts and images and feel good again. For example if we see something really scary like a hairy, fat man in a speedo we will close our eyes and say "daffodils and meadow, daffodils and meadows"....and hopefully, we will feel good again.

So we are under snow right now. It's been 2 weeks straight and that is very unusual for Vancouver. I've been here 15 years now (can it really be that long?) and I've never seen anything like it. Don't get me wrong, I love the snow. It's a novelty here, especially at Christmas. It's been beautiful and we've taken the kids out on lots of snowy walks in the Endowment Lands, had snowball fights, tried out the new sled, built a couple of snowmen. All of that stuff. Now the snow is getting on my nerves a bit. There's only so many beautiful, snowy walks you can go on. And let's not forget this is Vancouver...the city falls apart when it snows. Unlike her Eastern cousins, Vancouver can't really deal with snow. She hasn't got the right clothes or the right car, she cannot get to grips with a snow shovel, nor the concept of "digging out" things. And who can blame her? Most of the time she basks in a relatively warm (albeit wet) climate, indulging in just the smallest amount of schadenfreude when hearing about -30 out East. And it's no use going on about what the rest of Canada has to put up with. Vancouver isn't like the rest of Canada that's the reason why many people choose to live here. Having said all that we've enjoyed a peaceful and quiet Christmas and New Year, the ordinarily beautiful made more picturesque by snowfall.

16th Avenue, UBC
Wesbrook Mall, UBC...

And the kids have thought it magical...too much fun!

New year resolutions? I haven't bothered too much. Keep fit, eat healthy...blah blah, write a blog. General stuff like "be a better person". I keep my new year's resolutions intentionally vague. I have, however, taken "running a marathon" off my list. It's been there the past couple of years and I've never run one. And I don't know why I even thought of doing it. I like running. But the thought of running for hours on end with 1000s of strangers (and paying around $120 for the privilege) does not appeal anymore. Call me crazy. I will look elsewhere for a sense of accomplishment and endurance...I have a 4 year old and a 2 year old. I don't need to look far (that's the endurance part...and a bit of accomplishment too).

So here's to a happy and exciting 2009. I am looking forward to the adventures that await us. I like the new year. It feels like a fresh start, so full of possibilities.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like I'm the first!
Love the blog. It will be on my favourite list.

Happy New Year