Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Ahhh...back to rain

I woke up today to the familiar sounds of January in Vancouver...the tap-tap-tapping of raindrops and the whooshing sound of cars and buses as they sail along puddle-ridden roads....ahhhh. I am thankful for that. Now the slushy snow and the gray dirty mounds at the side of the road will begin to melt and we can get out and about for walks again. Also I will be able to get back to running. Mind you, I noticed that there are plenty of people running in snow. I don't quite know what that is all about. Running tentatively across slippery compact snow and ice doesn't seem like a great exercise to me. I swear that one particularly snowy day I saw more people running than I would on a pleasant summer day in July. I have a theory that they are probably Easterners showing us wimpy Vancouverites that you can't let the snow stop you. Something like that. Or maybe they are just weird. I have been running on the treadmill at the gym, but it's not the same at all. For one thing you stay in one place.

We got out to the Festival of Lights at the VanDusen Gardens on Sunday. I don't have a picture that will do it justice. It is a wonderful show of lights. I will put up a picture that I like...even though it's more snow than anything.

To get a better picture I'll just link to VanDusen. We drove home in an unforecasted (is that actually a word?) blizzard passing many stationary cars with frantically spinning front wheels. Our trusty Subaru (and Mark's great driving) got us home okay, thank goodness. I did get a little worried at one point as we struggled up a hill. But all in all the evening was a fine finale to a lovely Christmas holiday.

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